Blog Pro de Jean-Baptiste HEREN

Notes d'un consultant Freelance en Informatique

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Cognos 8 - convert a member unique name from one hierarchy to another

If you need to build any report or Event studio Query using the same data from different packages; and you want to prompt just once.

You can convert the member unique name from one hierarchy to another, using the cognos substitute macro.

Consider the following example :

You prompt on level value using the following hierarchy :

[First package].[First dimension].[First hierarchy].[First Level]

Then you want to filter one Query built on another package using the same prompt value :

[Second package].[Second dimension].[Second hierarchy].[Second Level]

It means yo uwant to convert :

 -- Source hierarchy
[First package].[First dimension].[First hierarchy].[First Level]->:[YK].[[First dimension]].[First hierarchy]].[First Level]].&[00004]]]

-- to Destination Hierarchy
[Second package].[Second dimension].[Second hierarchy].[Second Level]->:[YK].[[Second dimension]].[Second hierarchy]].[Second Level]].&[00004]]] 

So you can use a Query element containing a substitute macro :

-- Formula
# sq(substitute ('First package','Second package', 
 substitute ('First hierarchy','Second hierarchy',
 substitute ('First dimension','Second dimension',
 substitute ('First Level','Second Level',
 prompt('First Level Prompt Name', 'token')))))) #
Jean-Baptiste Heren

Author: Jean-Baptiste Heren

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